Saturday 27 July 2013

senior year?

Tak percaya siot, saya dah besar. Saya dh isi borang matrik, saya dah check PLKN tk dpt yeay! and plg penting, saya dh boleh ambik lesen :')) 

tk best lah ckp "saya"
boleh tk malam ni nak post byk byk?!!!! 

So, terima kasih ya Allah. atas segalanya. 17 years of living. heh. tahun depan dh tk sekolah. bye adik adik ku. 
Ok, aku dh sekolah cempaka like 4 years kot? Since form 2. 

This girl. 
Cam the best i ever had :') deskmate since form 3. PMR dapat result sama lepastu masuk kelas sama pastu duduk sama sama sampai skrg. Rasanya tk pernah berpisah lagi kot.... tktahu la kalau masuk U nanti canne. 
Sampai satu tahap bila dia buat kau kecik hati sakit bodo bodo pny reasons, mcm dh tk kisah. Kenal sgt perangai diri masing masing luar dalam. ceh luar dalam mcm pervert je aku ni :>) 
I mean like, tkde masa nak gaduh sbb bende tah pape. 4 years of friendship and still counting ok nur haziqah! Tak sangka dh form 5 skrg. Dulu masa form3 cam dlm benak fikiran aku sentiasa "eeeee bestnye jd senior. jd dakdak hot" 
Hmmm what i can say is pergi mampos. Tahun ni tahun yang terlalu sakit nak lalui. Tapi tahun yang terlalu manis untuk dilupai. 


Dia guide aku ke jalan yg benar. Dia mrh kalau aku lupa diri. Dia kwn gossip aku n kwn mengumpat 4lyfe. Kawan sehati & sejiwa. Kawan se......... tktahu lah. 
Mana nak cari kwn camni kat U nanti. Tell me. Tell me cb!! 
Mungkin ni kot org kata kwn dunya and akhirah :') *ada ke org kata*
Allah dah hntr kau utk bagi aku hidup sampai ke tahap ni. Mana tau kalau kau tkde, aku dkt tong sampah ke skrg. Kawan dengan tikus *sedih nya siot kwn dgn tikos*

Thank you for helping me out in whatever I do, lagi lagi study. Tunjuk ajar mu tidak akan dilupai. Segala pahit akan saya telan, segala manis akan saya kenang. 
So after this, we are not going to spend our time together like what we used to do. We're not going to do like stupid shits yang students wouldnt do (maybe they do but whatevs). We will continue our studies in a diff course, or diff way, or diff place insyaAllah. If we are fated to be bestfriend sampai bila bila, so jumpa lagi lepas ni. Lets pull together this SPM. We struggle everything together to succeed bersama. Jom kita tempuh dugaan yg Allah bagi sama sama. Persetankan what people are saying about us. We are bestfriend. And insyaAllah, nothing can tear our friendship apart. 

*gambar zaman aku kurus dia gemuk hahahaha* 

Ingat, kawan sampai mati okay. Masuk U ke apa jgn lupa aku. Dh dpt A physics tu jgn nak riak sgt (tetiba) love you so much baby qurl. 

Babi la lepas ni mesti rindu

Tuesday 23 July 2013


hi? skrg pukul 1.44 pagi and esok sekolah. 

so tadi pergi berbuka dgn gugurlz and boboyz. dekat mana? teka sendiri. 
last minute plan. ntah mcm mana boleh jadi tah haha saya lah ketua dia >:) ok padahal tak. terima kasih kawan kawan i had so much fun. 

lepas berbuka, pergi terawih ramai ramai dkt masjid putra syamim hntr :p 
the best part is cikgu naem ada muahahaha. 

tudia tudia! 
thank you dear friends. sumpah seronok. seronok gila. 

Friday 12 July 2013


so hi, this is sincerely from my heart. im not trying to seek any attention from anyone. random confess about how i rlly feel right now. 


urm well, time flies. we are alrdy in ramadhan. the most precious month. and its july, which means spm is too near and it sucks. trial is just about a month, i guess. i dont know what i rlly feel right now. of course, i am scared. scared of getting bad marks. scared of getting scold by mom. and dad. but do i hv that enough time to recover all the things ive studied for 2 years, basically five years la. no, i dont. 

entahla. i rlly lack of self motivate. i need those motivate 24 jam. i dont even know what would i be in the future. whats my future? 

problems datang tk tentu masa. come and go. i am not that strong to face it alone. mcm berperang. aku tkleh sorg sorg. 

tak, aku bukan sedih atau menangis tiap tiap hari. but aku sendiri tk dpt nak ungkap kan dgn kata kata. maybe aku tak kuat. 

those feelings bila you see yr classmates rajin nak mampos dlm class and youre termenung and think "spm lambat lagi"
when you went home, and mak started marah marah and you buat tk kisah, lay in yr bed, scroll timeline kt twitter. 
when youre trying to do yr homework, and tk fhm, and tk reti buat, and fxcked up, mula lah pergi dapur and makan semua benda sbb nak hlgkan stress. yes, im that kind of person who loves to eat when i get mad or smthng. yes i am!!!! 

aku pon tktahu. 
whats with myself? setan dah hasut smpai hati dh gelap ke jadi mcm ni haha. even aswad, org plg kenal aku mcm cakap why i changed a lot. 
and my friends. "asal asik moodswing je"

im not sure if i can succeed or not. 
sebab hati dah gelap. and the point is, boleh ke berjaya dgn perangai negative berleluasa mcm ni. i couldnt find the cure how to solve this negative treatment yg dh meresap dlm badan. yg mcm, mcm mana aku nak berjaya ni weh. mcm bodos!!!!! 

spm, cepatnya awak datang. kenapa. kenapa cepat sgt time flies. cpt sangat sampai tk sempat nak cakap babai, yela bcs fly cpt sgt (tkde function). i dowwana end my my high school. i just dowwan. i dowwana saya goodbye to all my classmates, juniors and urm school? err no. 

spm, i want u to be over like now i mean now. 

*kan aku dah cakap, aku tk reti express kan perasaan in words. 


Hello people, alhamdulillah! 
dapat jugak buat blog baru, syukur syukur. reason why i delete my old blog is bnyk sgt cerita lama yg dah boleh jd kan sambal petai yg basi. busuk dan lapuk sgt dah and yes, gmbr tk pakai tudung bersepah. apa kata delete je en :-). 

ok so hi, its me aina! 
amira aina, seventeen. nilai. heheh :b 
aku excited lah ya Allah. first post setelah dua tahun tk blog pape, so what do you expect?!! mmg excited terlampau lah cite dye. 
i've made my blog using phone (bcs yguys pun did the same thing en en en en) je sbb wifi tkde. so jgn kau kisah pasal deco deco blog ni. sumpah malas nak hias. biar je dia hipster hipster gini. kosong heheh. hipster mcm owner gak. ya Allah i miss "the best of amira aina" sangat sangat. sangat ok. zaman kegemilangan semua benda. zaman tk sedar dunia. zaman perasan cantik. zaman pmr. zaman tah ape ape ntah. 

InsyaAllah, i will post cam random things la. especially school. friends. family. and studies. oh tidak lupa utk kutuk org dlm ni, ((semestinya)) ehe taknak taknak. dosa. 

ntah apehal aku perasan je tulis mcm mcmni. 
mcm lah ade org nak baca uhuks. so yah, saya kembar nora danish. ramai ckp so nak buat mcm mana hmmmmm hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

orite, tq.

apa yang buruk & busuk dtg dari tuan empunya blog. 
yang baik, cantik & manis semuanya dari Allah. 
assalamualaikum, 🌸